About Us

Nepal's top tier two business to business online market is Volenath.com which connects between manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, importers and wholesalers along with companies that deal in agricultural products. It has a full directory of enterprises that promote seamless trade and collaboration within Nepalese market as well as outside countries. Volenath.com helps you to find products, build networks or discover new business prospects that are trustworthy and effective.

Volenath group PVT.LTD is a company registered under Nepalese laws whose core aim is creating an international name for Nepal by advocating for locally produced goods including agriculture both locally and globally. We facilitate the process of exporting importing wholesaling to help local industries and small scale farmers gain access to larger market places.

We endeavor to change conventional ecommerce patterns by getting rid of brokers’ monopoly in this sector and changing its trends. Our vision involves empowering indigenous enterprises improving Nepal’s economy and generating employment opportunities throughout the nation.

Contact details:
Phone: 9855052940
Office Locations:
Bharatpur 07, Chitwan, Anamnagar 29, Kathmandu, Nepal

[email protected]
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